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Walnut Apple Snack Cake by Yvonne at Tried and Tasty

Yvonne of Tried and Tasty is at it again. This time it is serious: Walnut Apple Snack Cake - meaning she is serious about her love for apples, cake, caramel, and ice cream.

Everyone of her posts have a 'My 2 Cents' section. This one is quite flattering to Lágrima - *ahem*. Head on over to Tried and Tasty for some humor and apple passion. We just love her!

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Neil Beam November 21, 2013 5 tags (show) Add a comment

Vanilla Cake with Black Tea Caramel from Vanessa at Sweet Lab

We woke up to a delightful surprise this morning and learned of a new convert to vanilla broadly and Lágrima vanilla specifically. It is rare to find someone who doesn't like vanilla. Vanessa could be considered a 'hard sell'. The view here at Lágrima was that she just hadn't encountered the right vanilla in the right recipe.

Long story short - Vanessa found that magical combination in her Sweet-Lab and told the world us as much with her post and recipe for Vanilla Cake with Black Tea Caramel. But don't take our word for it, read for yourself - Vanessa made our day, I hope she makes yours, too. We are happy to have her on board as a Lágrima vanilla fan.

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Neil Beam October 31, 2013 3 tags (show) 10 comments
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